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Collective Allies

Purpose Becomes Real When Shared
“There is the world that we create,
and there is the world that has created us.
These two worlds must come together.
That is the goal of the journey.”
- Dieter Duhm
Experience So Lucid Discovery So Clear

Choose Your Path
We are all on our own journeys in life. Making conscious choices that fit our unique story is the key. Its not always clear how to move forward, but each day we lay the foundation for what comes ahead. Sometimes it’s all about walking the path and trusting it’s the right way. Other times it’s important to reflect and set new intentions. In either case we benefit from structure, accountability and inspiration when we are studying our chosen topics.

Find Your Allies
Everyone in the group in encouraged to creates a list of topics they are interest in and want to discuss with others. A common way to explore a topic further is to establish books you want to read and online courses to take. As a member of the collective, your list of topics, books and interests are displayed in a way that other members can see. This makes networking and discussing meaningful topics easier by cutting out small talk and getting right to meaningful conversations. Through this process you can find others who are on the same path with a chosen topic.

Share The Journey
An alliance is formed when two or more people agree to communicate regularly with each other on a chosen topic or while reading a selected book or taking an online course together. This can be helpful with learning from others, staying accountability for what you commit to and making the journey more enjoyable. Whenever we want to grow or improve in something, establishing connections with other who share the interest is crucial. Setting a re-occurring date to check in with you ally helps keep you moving forward on your path while sharing the journey.
